Project Details

Customer Building Location Work Done Year
Malawi Government New State House Lilongwe Commissioning and Repairs of one passenger elevator 2011
National Bank New National Bank Head Office Blantyre Installation and commissioning of four passenger elevators 2011
Malawi Government New Magistrates Court Blantyre Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2010
Sunbird Tourism Mount Soche Hotel Blantyre Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2010
Konkola Copper Mines Four Shaft Mine Zambia Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2010
Malawi Government New Magistrates Court Blantyre Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2010
Reserve Bank Reserve Bank Lilongwe Installation and commissioning of three passenger elevators 2009
MPICO Tikwere House Lilongwe Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 2008
MPICO Gemini House Lilongwe Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 2008
ESCOM Magetsi House Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2007
SADC SADC House Botswana Installation and commissioning of three passenger elevators 2006
Zambia Government Govt Offices Lusaka, Zambia Installation and commissioning of five passenger elevators 2004
Malawi Government Govt Offices Blantyre Installation and commissioning of three passenger elevators 2003
MPICO Kang’ombe House Lilongwe Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 2003
Knight Frank Chayamba House Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 2002
Malawi Government New Magistrates Court Blantyre Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2010
Namibian Government State House Namibia Installation and commissioning of four passenger elevators 2002
Namibian Government National Archives Namibia Installation and commissioning of three passenger elevators 2001
British Aid Organisation Kamuzu Central Hospital Lilongwe Installation and commissioning of two passenger & bed elevators 2001
Otis Namibia Shopping Centre Windhoek, Namibia Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 2001
Botswana Government New Magistrates Court Botswana Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2000
Gwaneng Mine Botswana Botswana Installation and commissioning of two passenger & goods elevators 2000
Standard Merchant Bank Lusaka, Zambia Lusaka, Zambia Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 2000
Pension Fund Makuba House Lusaka, Zambia Installation and commissioning of three passenger elevators 1999
Bank of Botswana Bank of Botswana Botswana Installation and commissioning of four passenger elevators 1998
Botswana Government Lobatse Hospital Botswana Installation and commissioning of seven passenger & bed elevators 1997
MPICO Development House Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1996
Reserve Bank Reserve Bank Blantyre Installation and commissioning of six passenger elevators 1995-1996
Holiday Inn Holiday Inn, Lusaka Lusaka, Zambia Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1995
Poly Pack Poly Pack Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two goods elevators 1995
National Bank National Bank Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1995
Knight Frank Plantation House Blantyre Installation and commissioning of one passenger elevator 1995
Delemare Properties Delemare Properties Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1994-1995
Knight Frank Unit House Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1994
Knight Frank Umoyo House Blantyre Installation and commissioning of two passenger elevators 1994
Project Name Location Number Of Lifts Type of Lift
Pharmacy, Medicines & Poisons Board House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
Pamodzi House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
HTD House Blantyre 3 Passenger
Reserve Bank of Malawi Mzuzu 3 Dock Leveler
Corporate Mall Lilongwe 2 Panoramic Passenger
Commercial Courts Blantyre 2 Passenger
LUANAR Girls Hostel Bunda Lilongwe 1 Passenger
NFRA Kanengo Silos Lilongwe 1 Passenger
Tobacco Control Commission Lilongwe 2 Passenger
QECH Liverpool Welcome Trust Blantyre 2 Hoist/Goods
QECH Paediatric Surgical Unit Blantyre 2 Bed/Hospital
Poisons & Medicines Board Lilongwe 1 Passenger
Malawi Bereau of Standards Blantyre 3 Passenger
Polytechnic Hostel Blantyre 2 Passenger
Kamuzu Central Hospital Lilongwe 2 Bed/Hospital
Shire River Basin Management Blantyre 1 Passenger
ARWA House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
National Bank Top Mandala Blantyre 1 Passenger
Chileka Airport Blantyre 2 Passenger
LUANAR Teaching Block Bunda Phase 2 Lilongwe 2 Passenger
LUANAR Teaching Block Bunda Phase 1 Lilongwe 2 Passenger
LUANAR Gateway Lilongwe 2 Passenger
Thakrar House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
MLWT-Medical Stores Blantyre 1 Passenger
PSU-Mercy James Hospital Blantyre 2 Passenger
National Bank-Top Mandala Blantyre 1 Passenger
National Bank-Capital City Lilongwe 1 Passenger
Matamando House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
ICAM House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
LUANAR-Girls Hostel Lilongwe 1 Passenger
LUANAR-Teaching Block phase 1 Lilongwe 1 Passenger
LUANAR-Teaching Block phase 2 Lilongwe 2 Passenger
LUANAR-Gateway Block Lilongwe 2 Passenger
Water for People Blantyre 1 Passenger
Jireh House Lilongwe 2 Passenger
Chikho Hotel Mponela 1 Passenger
Malawi Bureau of Standards Blantyre 3 Passenger
MERA House Lilongwe 2 Passenger
BICC-Umodzi Park Hotel Lilongwe 4 Passenger
CP House Lilongwe 1 Passenger
LION Cancer Hospital Lilongwe 2 Passenger
Limbe Leaf offices Lilongwe 1 Passenger